Things have cooled down quite a bit here in our neck of the woods, and we are just getting started with Winter weather. Why would we even think about wearing shorts and bikinis at this time of year? There is very good reason. Summer is only a few months away. Far too often, we hear people say they forgot all about their aesthetic concerns such as unwanted hair until it was too late. Let’s make this year different. Rather than get caught in a hairy position, schedule your laser hair removal treatment now. You’ll be glad you did.
What is laser hair removal?
Have you heard? Shaving is outdated! Adults today don’t have time for the daily grind that we call shaving. Instead, the common trend is to turn to laser hair removal. This process of incapacitating hair follicles involves disabling them from their hair-production in baby-steps. Laser hair removal works by focusing pulses of light toward them. This light is absorbed into the follicles, where it vaporizes existing strands of hair.
For a Great Process, Winter is Ideal
To obtain the full results of laser hair removal takes time – months of time. This is because only a small length of hair lives in the hair follicle at a given time. Each laser treatment vaporizes that hair only. So, treatment is not complete until the entire growth cycle has been targeted. Starting in winter means being ready for summer.
Ideally, laser hair removal is conducted on lighter skin and darker hair. This may not be a simple task during the summer months, even if you’re not someone who sits on the beach every weekend. The natural byproduct of sun exposure as we go about our days leads to melanin production, which means skin will naturally darken somewhat. During Winter, we aren’t getting that same exposure, and the skin has been gradually lightening throughout the Fall. Therefore, we’ve got prime conditions for optimal results.
What Laser Hair Removal is Like
Individual laser hair removal treatments may feel like a general warming sensation marked by temporary “zaps” as energy hits the hair follicles. These sensations may dissipate over the course of treatment. After laser hair removal appointments, the skin may feel slightly “sunburned” for several hours up to a few days. A good moisturizer is your best friend.
Schedule your laser hair removal treatment at (732) 449-0167.